Call Now: 732-631-0030

Invest In Private Mortgages With Us, And
Earn HIGH Return On Your Money... SAFELY!

If you have money in the stock market, CD's, savings acounts, IRA's, pention plans, or any other investments and you are not satisfied with your returns... then we should talk.

We often borrow funds from private investors to purchase, fix and then resell single family houses. 

We do this by giving the investor a private mortgage (usually a first mortgage, but sometimes a second) on the properties we are buying.  

Once we have purchased the property and give you a mortgage (this is all handled by a closing attorney/agent), you will receive an interest only payment every month for the life of mortgage.

NOTE: We borrow directly, we do not broker loans. When we borrow money to create a loan, we are the borrowers and you are the lender in first or second position on ONE real estate transaction at a time.

We are always buying houses, so if you the like high, safe returns (who wouldn't), you can continue to lend to us, and we can keep your money at work for as long as you like. 

Please call us to talk more about this opportunity, or simply complete the form below and we will contact you ASAP.
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Glorietta Properties, LLC | 732-631-0030

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