Call Now: 732-631-0030

Want To Earn An Easy $500 Dollars?

I will pay you $500.00 for any house we buy that was referred by you.
Additionally, I will pay you $10.00 per address that you give me as soon as I receive it from you per the instructions below whether we buy the house or not.


How does it work?

While your driving on your way to work, school, the supermarket or anywhere, take detours and keep your eyes open for single family houses that are vacant, and look like they need obvious repairs. For example a boarded up house with the yard overgrown with shrubs, and in desperate need of a new roof, etc. Generally these houses are in lower priced areas, or tucked away on a side street.

Just keep in mind, UGLY and VACANT. The more repairs needed the better I like it. When you find a prospect house, take a few pictures of it from the front, either side, and from the back if possible. Make sure you take note of the address. Then fill out the form below with the information of the house and your contact information.

Finally, send an email with the pictures as attachments to me with the address of the property in the subject line. Or you can postal mail the pictures to me including the property and your contact information.

I do not want homes listed by Realtors!

It can be for sale by owner, or even have no for sale sign, as long as it is ugly and vacant. Please do not send me for sale by owner website listings or listings.

How do you get paid?

When I receive the information that you send me, I will verify that it meets the simple criteria stated above. Then I will verify that the address is valid against the county tax rolls. If everything is satisfactory, I will write you a check for $10.00 and mail it to you right away.

At that point I will contact the owner to discuss the purchase of their house. If the seller and I can come to an agreement, and I buy the house, I will send you another check for $490.00 when I close on the house.
1FirstNameFirst Name: * 100 0text
1LastNameLast Name: * 700 0text
1EmailAddressYour Email Address * 110 0text
1PhoneNumberYour Phone Number: * 100 0text
1StreetAddressYour Street Address: * 100 0text
1CityYour City: * 100 0text
1StateYour State: * 100 0text
1ZipYour Zip: * 100 0text
1PropertyStreetProperty Street Address: * 100 0text
1PropertyCityProperty City: * 100 0text
1PropertyStateProperty State: * 100 0text
1PropertyZipProperty Zip * 100 0text
0CommentsAdditional Comments: 500 0text
Required [*]
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Glorietta Properties, LLC | 732-631-0030

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