Call Now: 732-631-0030

Looking To Buy A House? We Can Help!

We buy houses in all areas of town, and in various conditions and price. 

Our houses range from the handyman fixer-upper, all the way up to ready to move in executive homes.

Please fill out the information form below as best as you can, and we will add you to our list of buyers.

When we sell houses we turn to our list of buyers to find the best match based on the information that you provide.
1FirstNameFirst Name: * 100 0text
1LastNameLast Name: * 100 0text
1EmailAddressEmail Address * 110 0text
1PhoneNumberPhone Number: * 100 0text
0FaxNumberFax Number: 100 0text
1HouseAreaWhat area of town do you want to buy a house: * 300 0text
1BedroomsPreferred # Bedrooms: * 100 0Number
1BathroomsPreferred # Bathrooms: * 100 0Number
0AdditionalPreferencesAdditional Preferences: 300 0text
1PriceMinPrice Minimum: * 100 0Currency
1PriceMaxPrice Maximum: * 100 0Currency
1MonthlyPaymentsMaximum Monthly Payment: * 100 0Currency
1DownPaymentDown Payment Available: * 100 0Currency
1CreditScoreApproximate Credit Score: * 100 0Number
0AdditionalCommentsAdditional Comments: 500 0text
Required [*]
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with anyone for any reason. Period.

Glorietta Properties, LLC | 732-631-0030

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